Thomas Edison Invented the Light bulb..was it really him?
Time and Time again in school we are told Thomas Edison created the Light bulb, but the fact of the matter is he didn't. In fact, there were many minds used in the creation of the Bulb but the only one people are ever concerned with is Thomas Edison, the reason being that he made the first-ever lightbulb Per Se. What most people don't know is that Alessandro Volta " developed the first practical method of generating electricity, the voltaic pile. Made of alternating discs of zinc and copper — interspersed with layers of cardboards soaked in saltwater — the pile conducted electricity when copper wire was connected at either end". Then in 1806, Humphrey davy made an electric lamp but the light burnt out too quickly, and some improvement had to be made which In 1841 Frederick DeMoylens put a burner in a closed glass case. and so for a long time, many people kept on creating and recreating the "light-bulb" until Thomas Edison finally perfected the Light Bulb...