
The Power of Music

The Power of Music to Heal is what makes it so enjoyable. The way it connects and brings people of all different backgrounds, cultures, and environments together is why so many people listen to it. In the Music video "Stand by Me", we can identify parts of the W.O.V.E.N elements in it. For the Written part of the song were the places that they were shooting the video written on the screen, which would signify that everyone needs someone to stand by them, it doesn't matter what part of the world they're in. The Oral part of the song is the singing itself obviously. They were all beautifully put together to form one voice for everyone. all the voices were very good. You could see in the video they were all street musicians, not is found nowadays. The visual part of the video was all the beautiful people and sights that could be seen throughout the whole video it also provides the pathos element which shows that we are all one and the same The Electronic part ...

What Instrument did the Skeleton play?.."tromBONES"

What do our bones actually do for us other than the obvious which is to help us move and provide structural support? Well, we're here to find out.  For anyone who doesn't know the human body consists of 206 bones. I know you wouldn't think your body had that many bones in it, but it does. Did you know that Bones are technically considered Organs because they're made from more than one type of tissue? Interesting. There are so many bones in the human body that it would be impossible to name all of them if not for the location method which would be dividing the structures first by location into the Axial and Appendicular. Axial bones are bones that a human cannot live without, they provide support, hold some of your organs, etc. Appendicular bones provide mobility. Bones are made up of actively generating tissues, which means that your skeleton, in reality, is breaking down and a new skeleton is in its place every ten years or so. The bones in your body are more than j...

The History of Valentine's Day

Many people throughout the world celebrate it, they go out and buy these gifts and chocolates for their significant other to make them feel special. And for some others, it reminds them of the fact that they don't have a significant other. But regardless people just celebrate it and most people don't know the history of it, I'm here to bring it to you. I am more convinced that Valentine's day  was  started as the pre-Roman empire ritual known as Lupercalia.  Every February 13 - 15, goats and dogs were sacrificed at an altar by the Luperci as an offering, then people were "anointed" with the blood of animals, then cleaned with wool soaked in milk, then they ate and drank till they were full and drunk. After that is the weird part, the Luperci ran around naked and started smacking people with the skins of the animals they sacrificed. But the part of the Festival that leads me to believe that this is how Valentine's day was started is it is known that some...

Is Wrestling the oldest sport known to man or is it Running?

I know some people believe that Wrestling was the Worlds first ever sport but, I am here to prove to you that in fact, it isn't. According to the " 8 Oldest Sports in the World" blog on Oldest.Org, Running is the world's oldest sport because there was no equipment needed to run on two feet. I run, You run, everybody runs but not everyone wrestles. How long do you think it would take for people when they started running to say " Hey, I bet I'm faster than you?". Not too long is probably your answer, mine too. "One of the earliest depictions of sprinting is found in the Lascaux caves in France, dating back to the Upper Paleolithic era (about 15,300 years ago)".  This was also found with a wrestling depiction in those same caves, so there could be an argument that wrestling was the first sport. Running was also made an Olympic sport in 776 BCE while Wrestling was made on in 704 BCE which means running became an Olympic Sport 72 years before Wres...

Thomas Edison Invented the Light bulb..was it really him?

Time and Time again in school we are told Thomas Edison created the Light bulb, but the fact of the matter is he didn't. In fact, there were many minds used in the creation of the Bulb but the only one people are ever concerned with is Thomas Edison, the reason being that he made the first-ever lightbulb Per Se. What most people don't know is that Alessandro Volta " developed the first practical method of generating electricity, the voltaic pile. Made of alternating discs of zinc and copper — interspersed with layers of cardboards soaked in saltwater — the pile conducted electricity when copper wire was connected at either end". Then in 1806, Humphrey davy made an electric lamp but the light burnt out too quickly, and some improvement had to be made which In 1841 Frederick DeMoylens put a burner in a closed glass case. and so for a long time, many people kept on creating and recreating the "light-bulb" until Thomas Edison finally perfected the Light Bulb...

Raise, Riaze, Race.

RACE Race. no not Track and Field but one of the most uncomfortable issues to talk about. When someone brings up race most of us look away or some of us leave the area, but for some of us who it affects, the African American's, the Latinos..etc immediately are furious or angry, because of the stigma that comes with the color of our skin; Racism. George Edwin Taylor. A forgotten African American Presidential Candidate, the reason he is forgotten is because he did not win the election. He is not Barack Obama, first black president in the history of the United States. George was born in 1857 to a slave man and a free woman. He had originally worked as a professional Journalist before deciding to dive into politics. George   " gained distinction, according to the Tacoma, Wash.,  Times  on Aug. 17, 1904, as a leader in the Republican national convention of 1892, "to which he was an alternate delegate-at-large from his state."  People took notice of that so in 1...

About Me

My name is Emmanuel. I'm a student at Georgia Gwinnett College and I'm from Dacula. I love to make music when im not at school. My favorite thing to do is making music.  I only have classes on Tuesday and I have an online Math class, which is as easy as math can be. I also like English because it is relatively easy. My dream is to Blow up with my music, and have a bachelors degree.